#Nerds, It's a small world after all ...
*waves* hi from Blog worldddddd!!!! Thanks again to Kodak for the pass!!! Dude, what a day. I just got done meeting with the casting peeps for the Ford Rally Race, and oh.my.gatos. what a small world.
I just walked up to this random computer at the booth, as I saw it said "Apply now" on the screen, and to my left was Kristen from Ford HQ!! We met back in February, and she's a super cutie patootie. One of the first things out of her mouth was that she heard I went out on a nerd skype date for #controlTV. Yep, I haven't even gotten to a chance to post on it yet - but yah! haha! I was just on #controlTV!!! This super cute dude Tristan is livestreaming his life 24/7. Very EdTV. Seth Green is behind it, and its pretty cool. You can watch it live here: www.controlTV.com. Just got a call from production as well, and they asked me back to hang out with Tristan Sunday afternoon. Itchin to be bitchin!
Follow @Tristancouvares on Twitter!So, Kristen then takes me over to meet with the casting peeps. She explained that I was part of the Ford Fiesta Movement chapter 2 and yada yada ... WELL the guy that I sat with, is friends with the guy that cast me in Deal or No Deal Syndicated for their first season, which was shot in LA. I was like holy crap! It took me a minute to remember the dude, I kept seeing the blond guy that was with him at casting as well. DUDE! Those guys were awesome, they also put me in the pilot for 20Q. So rad! I got the final question right ... and they were like you're going to win $100!!! I got all excited, and they were like jussttt kidding. We just needed to see your reaction if you had actual money behind it. Evil evil producers.
We then got to chatting, and I explained to him that I also wrote Bertram's online bio. See, the Ford Rally Race is brought to you by the peeps that created the Amazing Race, Betram Van Munster and Elise Doganieri. I never sent Bert an invoice for my services as for one, it still has yet to even be published, as this man's work is just WOW!! Intense!!!! That opened the door for him asking why, and then I got to tell him about TNTML and bartering social media to live without it being weird, and "pitchy." THENNNN!! When I didn't get the gig with the CEO of AOL, I KNEWWWW he was the only person that would understand being kinda crazy outside the box. Bertram created the box. For reals, all BS aside - writing his bio, reading just all of the stuff that he had done and how forward thinking he is ... just knocked my nerdy socks off.
My ultimate goal in life is to create a formula or some sort of structure to storytelling across all the workable elements of social media. I do it now with this site, and I know it works. But it is only as good as how many people know about it. Bert is good peeps to know. He totally dug it, and even actually at the time told me about this show. However, when you're sitting in a room nerdo y god-o you shut your damn trap about everything that was discussed in that room.
The BEST part about all of this, is I get to have a partner in the race. And OMG OMG OMG!! I totally have the chick! A few months back, I met this girl Lindsay who is like a crazy super hot non-nerd. Literally, I showed this girl Ustream and how to livestream in general, and she wrote in her little notebook "youstream." *there there* We're kind of opposites, but complete hustlers. Lindsay travels the world staying in hostels bartering her time spent with working at the hostel. It's a total trip!! So yeah. I'm pretty effin excited.
I think our odds of getting this are pretty good.
DUDE! It's entirely interactive and engaging, we compete in these missions, and if we don't know the answer - we use social media to find it. SO SO SOOOOO badass!!!!
Crossing my fingers, and toes while pickin my nose ... and
Can I just say this one more time ...
PS. Lindsay, you're hot. Now only if you were a nerd, we could go to Vermont and get married and have baby monkeys. K, bye.