#Randombling: Jen Squard
#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @JenSquard
Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.
#nowplaying: Night Ranger - Sister Christian
I am honestly not at all looking forward to Thanksgiving. I don’t so much like tradition. And Thanksgiving is effing stressful. All that work to make all that food, and it is rarely appreciated. Plus, I HATE thanksgiving food. Turkey makes me want to poke my eyes out. This year I am refusing to do Thanksgiving. My mom and sister are coming over to my house, and we are all going to play games and eat baked ziti. I think that the holiday should be about hanging out with the people you love, not doing everything you can to impress them. I know it’s about being thankful, but I am thankful every day for what I have. I tell my hubbard thank you for his love and support every chance I get. Do we really need special holiday to remind us to be thankful? That’s lamesauce.
We do, however, have to head up to the in-laws house. Hopefully there will be minimal drama, but since they are always mad at someone in the family, and that someone has been me in a pretty serious way for the past few months, it should be interesting. I don’t know....it’s not my family so I can’t really be the one to say eff off, but we’ll see how it goes I guess.
This time of year just always upsets me. I like Christmas and the premise of gift giving, I just hate the forced interactions. If you love someone, tell them all the time. Don’t wait until winter. And if someone gives you a present, fucking say thank you. The end. Don’t expect anything great unless you are doing great things. So there - download your permission slips, be awesome, and awesome things will happen to you.
No more whining and hoping for miracles just because it’s Christmas. The holiday doesn’t even make sense. I’m over it, and I’m just going to pretend like they aren’t happening this year.
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