Review: #Glee Special Education
I just got finished watching Glee ... cue Miso checkin:
Okey dokey. First off, I am obsessed with Glee. The heart, the passion, the music ... totally up my alley way over here in Cali. Loves it! Double time! That being said, I feel like the powers that be over at Glee are a bit confused. I catch myself a couple times every episode going, but where is this going? That can't be good.
I read today that they are going to be alternating the kids in and out as they graduate or move on. That makes sense, as we all saw back in the 90s what happened with Saved by the Bell. Tori anyone ... Tori??
My only question is, is can the show carry on without that bond? It's not any one of the kids, it's more about what they represent collectively. Frankly, Rachel rubs me so many of the wrong ways so many times it makes me want to scream. She's not even unlikeable to the point that she's likeable ... she seeps her way into my soul like an itch that I can't scratch. I knew soooo many of those chicks in high school, and all I have to say is, where are they now? Suck it bitch!
I digress ... so clearly they are going through some changes as a production whole. Puck is how old? And for reals - I don't know if its the long hours or partying, but he was lookin OLLLLLLDDDD this episode. Like older than old. Like clearly way too old to be in high school.
Either way, the episode overall was kinda meh. I didn't love it, I didn't hate it. I just overall don't know where the story is going. That is eventually going to get to the point where I just stop caring overall. But for now, the love of the music keeps me tuned in ... the numbers this week were BITCHIN!! Dude, when Quinn and Sam busted out with Time of My Life - I got chills. Literally. The music conveyed more of the story. That was what Glee did in the beginning ... I just don't really know what happened in between.
But oh yeah, if Ryan Murphy is listening ... please develop more of the Warblers. Those dudes are crazy stupid talented, and I adored their number, Hey Sister! Way super awesome.
Either way ... kinda meh. Watch it because it's new ... but don't hold your breath. It won't blow any of your doors in.