#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick
This chick = very cranky she missed naptime.
Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.
#nowplaying: Finding Me, Vertical Horizon
Ohhhh my goodness. I need a nap. I had VERY STRONG intentions of doing nothing but staying on the couch all day, but alas - by 2, I failed. Dude, couch surfing is the pits. Given, its better than the car, don't get me wrong ... but SERIOUSLY I miss sleeping in a bed. I love love love just spending one day every couple of weeks in bed. I don't get to do it very often, but MAN it's awesome. You operate on someone else's schedule when you couch surf, and its weird. I'm very much a loner, always opting to live in my own little world and do my own little thing ... its been a strange adjustment. Fortunately though, there is a balcony. SCORE! Naw man, I'm honestly incredibly humbled and grateful for my current arrangements ... just not having any of your own sleep space is weird for me. Another learning experience I guess, and something I will not take for granted again. Oh life, you're just filled with so many lessons for me. RAWWRRRR and ARRGHHH!!!
I'm so exhausted right now. I need to recharge my batteries. I'm going out tomorrow night with a bunch of chicks, and we're totally gonna kick it all girly style. I'm very excited. I just need to decompress. It's been a very emotional week. Albeit, AMAZING, AWESOME, and HOLY FUCKING SHIT worthy ... exhausting none the less. Such a trip trying to process it all ... making my best efforts not to - and just focus on the present moment. So hard. So hard. So hard.
Still no Valentines day plan. Yep, not looking bueno. MEHHHHHHHHHHH I'll get over it. It's hard, I pretend to be a tough cookie, but I'm actually the furthest thing from it. I'm very sensitive on certain issues, and when I let people in my little space bubble; I'm just incredibly incredibly incredibly focused. It manages to pull you through, but doesn't mean that there isn't an initial sting. ball sack. I get so many calls and texts from stupid boys that I don't really like, asking me to do things I don't care about. I'm not very nice to them either - I just don't answer the calls or texts until they eventually get the picture. Sad really, they try and try and try ... yet, I feel nothing.
I just don't care, and apathy is not an aphrodisiac.
I really really really wish I could figure out what I was looking for. Once in a blue moon someone catches my eye, but not many. Actually, only a handful have in the last year; that's sad considering the sheer AMOUNT of dudes I meet everyday. Nuts! I guess I'd rather be alone than ever ever ever settle for someone I'm just meh about. I feel like we should all be that way, but we aren't. Guess I'll just mind my own Ps and Qs. C'est la vie!