#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick
Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.
#nowplaying: Shake it out - Florence and the Machine
Well HELLOOOOOO sexy lover faces. How are you all doing today? Good? Yeah? I thought I saw a smile on that face!!
So, we had our first big announcement this week courtesy of TNTML's Senior Advisor Mr. Ben Parr.
Really really really rad dude, and talk about the most humbling thing ever to have someone you respect so so so much come on board to help you with your business. It's like, FOR REAL?!?! Very very very humbling. My value add is in team building, and trend spotting. Structuring a business is not my cup of tea - but that's where Ben comes in and is helping me out. (For a stake in the company of course, you HAVE TO make things worth people's time.)
I'm just stoked for life, man. You have to understand it still shocks me every.single.day. that all of this actually worked. Following your passions ... following your dream ... becoming a living cliche - you really can make things happen by using social media, and by having a kind heart and a pure soul. I don't lie, I don't cheat, and I DEFINITELY don't steal - and yet nothing but AH-MAZING things have happened and have blessed this community.
I say all of the time that this is the GREATEST time to be alive, but I really can't stress that enough. We're going through a revolution of sorts right now, and it's rooted in technology. One person can have a voice, one person can have an opinion, one person can express said opinion, build a following, and have that single voice be amplified into something great. Do you know how many people told me I was bat shit for doing what I did? Do you know how many of my friends and even my family stopped talking to me for extended periods of time? I physically couldn't stop because this website was the one thing in life that made me happy. When you spend 24 years of your life in a depression and in a negative state of consciousness, happiness has a different value add. I will never and I mean NEEVVVERRRR do something that makes me unhappy. After spending 2 years in bliss now and seeing HOW DIFFERENT life can truly be - it's too much of a sacrifice to spend even .25 seconds doing something that I don't enjoy.
I am really really really proud of this community, I am completely humbled by the team now behind us, and I am ready now more than ever to get shit done.
I am 26 now running a new media production company with an unscripted show in development, a scripted show in development, a book deal, and a website I built with my bare hands just shy of the top 100,000 on the net. That took me two years to do and it all came very naturally through a series of at the time "unimportant/ insignificant" decisions. It just felt right, man. Starting a site felt right! It didn't have to make sense, it just felt good. What feels good to you today? Every. Single. Day. is another chance you have to turn it all around. Every SECOND of every day. Mine happened around 9pm on November 3, 2009. What's going to happen for you today, October 28th at ... ::insert the time in your time zone here:: ... just fucking do it, man. The time is now. The time is now. The time is now. Get off your ass, let go of your fears - AND JUST DO IT!!!!
HAHA oh goodness I get too excited sometimes. On another note, we have a LOT of events coming up!
First up, I will be tweeting live from the Playboy Mansion tomorrow night. DUDDESSSS!! So so so excited! I need to get my DRANK on something fierce. I love Playboy. I've been doing to their parties for almost 6 years now, and the people there are like family. No catty girls, just half naked people running around having the time of their lives. It's AHHH-MAZZINNNGG!!! The service can be a bit spotty on the grounds, but I will be tweeting as much as possible during the night, and uploading pics on WhoSay.
Here's a vid from last year ...
I'll post my costume as well tomorrow. It's going to be super duper sch-mexy. I'm digging feeling like a girl again courtesy of my fancy shoes from Blowfish.
OH OH and THENNNNN ... on Monday, I will be speaking on a nerdy panel at the Nerdist Theater here in LA ...
Going to be SOOO RAD!!! If you live in LA come check it out!!
OH OH AND OHH!! We ALSO have the Nerd Herd on the 5th, TNTML's 2nd anniversary party. That's going to go down at the Brass Monkey at 8pm. (Click here for more info)
Come by and meet your favorite writers on the site, and kick it with some karaoke!!! Going to be a BLAASSTT!!! Super stoked for that, and super stoked for life in general, man.
From the depths of my soul thank you all SOOOOOO much for the emails, comments, tweets, love - everything. I am INCREDIBLY grateful. Thank you thank you thank you - I still can't believe it all worked, but I'm just gonna go with it.