#HOLYSHIT: I just asked out @StevenBWard on Ustream - and he said yes!
shut the front door ... shut the front door ... shut the front door ...
Okay, lemme break this down for you.
So, I was checking twitter, and I saw my buddy @ajonespua tweet out the Ustream for Steve Ward matchmaker extraordinaire, and star of Vh1's Tough Love. Anyone that reads this site knows that I am OOOBBBSSSEEESSSSEEEEDDDD with studying social dynamics, and after 103 dates in 9 months the notion of breaking down the organic root of attraction is pretty appealing to me.
And ... let's call a spade a spade ... Steve is fucking HOT!
See ... there I am in the chat ... see the pink shirt thingie on the right hand side from my avatar??
So I'm in the chat, kicking it - asked my question to Steve "are you a mac or pc guy." To get him to respond you have to add in the hashtag #toughlove (genius btw).
First time, he didn't answer ... second time when I put the hashtag in, he did.
I'm on a mac, he answered.
Yo soy una mac-aholic.
He then took a swig of his beer. Heineken light.
OMG OMG OMG!! I just finished a Heineken light too!!
And FTR, it's not necessarily my "go to" this is more of a kickin it at home, editing kinda beer. I'm still allagash til I die!!
Alrite, I think, a date now just has to go down. Where in the world is he, I thought. I scope out his twitter page.
Philly. What a coinkie dink. ON FRIDAY, my bud Ashley Hans posted this on my Facebook page ...
HMMMMM ... so if I were to go to Philly for let's say a weekend, I'd have a place to crash. ::insert Mr Burns.::
I then ask Steve out.
About 5 minutes later (the Ustream social stream delay is pretty bad) - I get a response. Jen Friel wants to know if I'll go out with her. Lemme check out her profile ... (insert long moment of silence) ... (meanwhile I am DYING!! Say yes! Say yes!)
Sure, you're pretty cute. I'll go out with you, he says.
I take a deep breath and then ... I. START. SCREAMING.
And not even the cute kind of screaming, this was like Beatle-mania circa 1977 type shit.
Seriously!!! He said yes!! Here I was less than 24 hours ago watching Tough Love on VH1, and now because of social media I had access to Steve, I was given a chance to ask him out - and boom! he said yes!!
You don't G-E-T if you don't A-S-K.
I have ZZEERROOOOOO problem asking people for things. I have no fucking shame! What was the worst that was going to happen? He was going to look at my profile, say no, and move on!
I very. very. very. honestly wouldn't have cared.
Crushed? Meh, prolly.
Cried myself to sleep? no.
We are conditioned as children to be afraid of the word "no" because it means we're bad, and we're doing something bad. LET THAT SHIT GO, MAN!!!
Had I been afraid of hearing the word "no" this entire experience never would have come to fruition.
Steve has since DMed me his email, I just emailed him dates I could be in Philly - and we'll see where it goes from here.
Holy crap DUDES!!! Seriously, above everything else I cannot WAIIITTTTT to sit and discuss social dynamics with someone like him. OMG OMG OMG such a turn on. OMG OMG OMG this is happening.
I only have one more thing left to say ...
PS. Leaving Boston in a few hours!! VidBlogger nation releases new episodes every Monday! So if you're in the New England area remember to tune in!! I'm putting my blood. sweat. and tears into this TV show. Well, maybe not blood - cause that's icky ... oh but dudes, fortunately I don't have to sleep at the airport - negotiated a cab pretty cheap. Home in LA for a few days, then going to the San Dizzle next weekend, followed hopefully by Philly the following weekend. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMGGGGGG!! This is making my life right now ... you have no idea. And btw, this was WAY easier than crashing the 2010 grammies to meet Pete Cashmore!! *sigh* Love love LOVEEEEE YOU LONG TIME SOCIAL MEDIA!!
Hey Ashley! Better prep that couch pretty lady!! =) =) =) Thanks again for the offer! Whoop whoop!
GO AFTER EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN LIFE NERDS!!! People, places, things - LIFE IS YOURS FOR THE TAKING!! Just be specific and make sure you ASK FOR IT!!! No one hands you anything in life. You have to go and GET IT!! YAYERS!!
Click here to watch full episodes of Tough Love