#Fact: It is important to celebrate everything
I not only get to drool over hot skater boys all day, but there are boards on the walls too!! SO RAD!!! <editorsnote> I'm feeling a bit emo right now, so I have an important and some what serious message that I would like to share with you all. </editorsnote>
I celebrate everything. I really do, I celebrate every little bit of everything.
I launched this website two years ago from my roommate's bed at a point of utter discontent. I didn't know how to live life anymore, I was only conscious of the fact that whatever I was doing - I was doing it wrong. I spent my entire youth in and out of doctors, on and off of anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, anti-life. Had I not tried suicide twice in my early twenties and failed at it both times (read more on that here) - there is no doubt in my mind that on November 2, 2009 I prolly would have just done that. I don't say this to be dramatic but to prove a point - recently the online community was shaken by yet ANOTHER suicide, and I can't even BEGIN to tell you how many emails I get each week with kids opening up their life stories to me. It's gnarly, man - and I am grateful that people feel comfortable opening up to me ... but let me help you out with a bit of advice- GET. OVER. YOUR. SHIT.
Literally, anything in the past ... just LET. IT. GO.
I could tell you 100 stories from growing up that would make your skin crawl (here's just one for example - oh and another), but at the end of the day - so fucking what! We all go through shit, and even those that don't might view their lack of shit going through as going through shit. HOW DARE MY PARENTS CARE ABOUT ME GROWING UP!!! I'LL SHOW THEM!!
We're all damned from childhood. And I don't have my shit together more than anyone else in this world, I just happened to have documented a rad adventure and I have just now spent the last two years of my life THROWING myself into social media, and THROWING myself at life - but not from a place of strength, rather from one of desperation. I had nothing to lose when I started this site. I already hated my life, I already wondered why I never felt good, I was already depressed. The online space was the only thing that made me happy - so I just kept moving towards that, and in those moments I celebrated every. bit. of. everything.
When I was sleeping in the Ford Fiesta down in Venice I was happier than a pig in shit because I could FINALLY stop freaking out about coming up with rent every month. A few months later when I ate beef jerky for 30 days I was SOOOOO unbelievably happy that I had groceries for a month, and could continue my adventures. Nothing that I have ever done has made sense to anyone else, but it never mattered to me - I was following my bliss and celebrating EVERY accomplishment.
I am now sitting here typing this in my new office space, the day after I filed to formally incorporate my new media production company - and I am still, in this present moment, more grateful than ever.
I have yet to celebrate being incorporated, however I will this week - and I'm sure also celebrate having office space.
I celebrate every. fucking. day. The fact that I had money to take the city bus this morning, ANNNNDD I could even get a coffee on my way over. Are you for REAL?!?!! I can BUY a cup of coffee?? HOLY SHITBALLS!! That's GREAT! And that cup was supported by my passion. If I was going to die I was at least going to die doing something that I loved versus trying to kill myself for leading a life that I didn't like leading. I wanted to escape SOO badly, I didn't necessarily want to die - and I am grateful both instances I didn't.
Every. single. day. we have accomplishments.
Every. single. day. the sun rises is a blessing.
Every. single. day. that you have someone on this Earth that loves you should be a good day - and if not, fuck that shit, if you love you - you go on wit yo' bad self!
Your emails mean the world to me, and please keep them up - but I don't have the answers. I can only offer you a light to go down your own path and do your own thing. Happiness is a choice, not a destination. Makes it scarier to think that way though doesn't it? You RIGHT NOW are in control of your happiness. It's not environmental, it's psychological. Own your shit, own you, own your awesome and celebrate EVERY DAMN MINUTE OF IT!!!!
THAT is why I am so upbeat every day, and THAT is what keeps me going. You can do this too, man. Just start with one thing - ask yourself, what feels good? The answers are already inside of you, stop wasting so much of your life turning to others asking what you should do and turn inward and ask yourself.
We are the masters of our domain, we are responsible for our own happiness, and the choice is yours. Life is your mission should you choose to accept.