#Adventures in Adventuring: I just got asked out on the city bus
As many of you know, I've been taking the city bus for the last 11 months. (After a full year I am going to write a thesis on my findings, and what I learned about human nature - pretty jazzed about it actually.)
When I was on my way into work this morning, this duderino sat down next to me and TOTTALLLLLYYYYY took up every cell in my personal space block. Not wanting to rude, I decided to stay mute, and take my frustrations to twitter ...
Not a problem, right?
Well - wrong.
Because the mother fucker was SOOO close to me - he read my screen.
Before getting off the bus he tapped me on my shoulder and asked me to remove my headphones.
This better be good - I thought, my big blue eyes staring up at him in dread.
(Oh, and FTR, this duderino was SOOOOOO not cute. Not sure what nationality he was, but dark hair, tan, dark eyes - lemme think of who would play him on TV ... OH! Imagine George Lopez having an illegitimate brother in law with a munchkin. Ity bity little thing - prolly 10 years younger than Lopez.)
So, are you free for dinner? He asks
I was honestly so surprised and so ... spooked, I smiled and put my headphones back on snuggling back into my hoodie.
Okay okay ... ballsy move on his part - I respect that. But this is the CITY BUS and you were COPING A FEEL SO HAAARRRRDDDD on my leg. For reals, he was like a dog in heat.
Thankfully, there is a shower in the Berrics - I might need to use it.
Thank you universe, you gave me what I asked for.