#NowPlaying: U2 - Hold me, Thrill me, Kiss me
Outside the Berrics. This makes me wish I could do cartwheels just so I can do an ENTTIIRRRREEE row down the lane!
Holy shiznat. Just rode my bike back from the office, and I swear - you have to have a death wish to ride a bike in LA (read more of my tips here on how not to die). For reals, man - I like to take calculated risks, not enter into relationships with moving objects that may only see you on a theoretical basis.
Fucking. Bat. Shit.
Home safe, but DEFINITELY going to get a reflective vest and helmet. Too insane not to.
Either way, totes heard this song on the ride back - and it is making my LIIIFFFEEEEEE!!! Haven't even thought about this Batman in ages, that may or may not be a good thing. I kinda wasn't mad at Jim Carrey being the riddler though - pretty perfect casting.
Alrite, now I'm off to what I thought was a meeting, but what looks like is going to end up as a date. Note to nerds, if you want to ask a chick out online, do it on OKC man. Asking me to dinner on twitter will only make me wonder, and I will be on guard. Go for OKC!!! Do it!! Just ... do it!!!
Oh the things I get myself into ... BAHHHHHHHH!!!