#YayLife: Talk Nerdy To Me, Lover was mentioned on @BBCAmerica
Wha ... wha ... WHAT?! Could this be quite possibly the most FANTASTICALLY AWESOME Christmas present ever?!?!
Well that, and Whiplash the cowboy monkey that rides dogs ...
But for real. TNTML just got some love in the form of a shout out on BBC America and it FREAKING MADE MY LIFE!! WATCH!
Seriously, the coolest thing ever. What great company to be in ... BAHHH!!! Very very very special thanks to @JennHoffman and @megcorbs for making that happen. This might be the best Christmas present ever.
Well that, and the electric snuggie my parental units bought me. For reals! Now I won't have to sit on my power adapter for my macbook pro when I get cold!!
PS. I'm still allergic to the cat, but I leave tomorrow to head back to LA. WAHOO!!!