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Dusty Cooper ... on #dating
#TalkNerdyToMeLover's Dusty Cooper
What: Dusty Dating. Yikes.
Where: you know, here and there
When: Now
Y’all know how I feel about dating. Barf barf double barf.
However, my therapist has suggested I give it a try. So I am. I’ve been “putting myself out there,” as they say, which only means that I’m fighting every shy instinct I have and trying to, I don’t know, smile at boys? Or something like that.
I’ll document all my adventures for you, of course.
I’ve been trying this new thing where I don’t think any further than the first date. Most girls do this thing I guess where they like, picture themselves in a relationship with a boy after only a few dates, could they marry him, could they have kids with him, etc. And boys don’t do that, apparently, which is why dating is so fucking hard.
I call bull shit on that. I feel like the opposite always happens to me. Like, I’m thinking: oh, coffee. Great conversation. I’d like to be friends with this lad. He’s kind of hot. That’s really about it. And THEY are the ones who are putting all the pressure on it and now I’ve gotten such a build-up of anxiety around dating that the first date makes me sweaty and I think in my head, “I can’t go on this date, I’m not ready to MARRY ANYONE FOR FUCK’S SAKE!”
I see how messed up that is.
So I’d like to tell you that today, I successfully met a gentleman for coffee, and it was very pleasant. He’s a stellar guy and I did not feel any pressure from him to be anything more than just two people having coffee. Thank you very much.
And now that I’m older, I can see that if a dude is putting the pressure on, it’s okay to just 86 him.
BOOM. Dusty is dating. Go big or go home.
Or maybe I can just marry Ryan Gosling and get it over with ...