#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick
Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.
#nowplaying: Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
Dudes, this Oscar shit is soooooo fucking exhausting. Like crazy exhausting. BUTTTT the best part is, I am learning. For some god awful reason, you just cannot livestream at Hollywood and Highland. It is absolutely not a possibility. I tried it with LiveVideo and we ran off of sprint - got nada. I use Verizon to livestream from my phone - and nada. It comes in super choppy and overall blah. Super stoked though that we got on the main page of Ustream.
Ah yes, I am now among the thousands that have been under Paris Hilton. #SCORE!
Today was more of a test, tomorrow will be the super fancy pants stuff. Learning. Learning. Learning. My brain is processing it - livestreaming is my passion FEERRRR SUUURREEEE!!! I love going live in weird and random situations. I would do it more, but again, it takes a lot out of you. I need to stabilize things with the site more. Need to delegate a lot of shit out and get a full time team going ... but definitely need money. I can't pay anyone as is, and I SUPPERRLLLYYY appreciate all the help, but come on man, its about time we made what we're doing an actual business. This is RUBBISH! RUBBISH I TELL YOU!!!
Dudes, have you guys seen whats going on with Foursquare? They added a friend and follower feature. The default on a checkin is to not tell your followers. Is this an effort to make Foursquare more private to encourage more people to use it? One can only assume. Haven't read anywhere anyone talking about it either - but go to your Foursquare page. Here's mine:
WTF? Where did all that shit come from? I'm gonna do some snooping around to find out some more info, but I GUARANTEEEEE you it is being done as an effort to make it more private. I loves me some Foursquare, I'm just curious to know what those boys are up to. HMMMMMMMM!!
OH AND DUDE! We've been getting SOOOOOOOOOO many more robots crawling TNTML since the google algorithm changed. For reals, DOUBLE!!!! I am FUCKING STOKED, MAN! Go google for serving the end user better. Wahooooooo!!
Going to the Playboy Mansion later tonight. Needing to blow off some steam, no better place to do it. Definitely going to be an off grid night. HAHA! Lo siento mucho! It's a masquerade party, and since I didn't have a mask - I am just going to black out my eyes, draw on a face, and go as a panda bear. Hey, the eyes make it a mask! I'm stoked. I've never gone to a party topless before, but thank GOD for one, I won't be alone (not that that usually stops me from doing anything anyway), and two, I HAVE A CAR!! Ford hooked me up with a Fiesta for the Oscars. THANNKKKK YOUUU again Scott Monty!
Totally stoked that I'm not going to get arrested for being topless on a city bus going to the playboy mansion.
OMMMMMGGG I missed driving. OMG OMG OMG!!!
What a fucking weird time it is to be alive, that I have no money to my name, not even a credit card to be able to rent a car ... but you can ask a big wig at Ford directly for wheels, and somehow manage to get 'em. FUCKING BLOWS MY MIND!!!! You don't G-E-T if you don't A-S-K!!! Go, build your personal brand ... ANYONNNNEEEE CAN DO IT!!!!
Oh my lordy mickmordy, not gonna get on a tangent, promise.
Alrite, off to the gym. 9 lbs down since I started training. It really all came from my ass. I am such a butt girl - baby got some SERIOUS back. But for reals, if anyone knows whats kickin with Foursquare lemme know. SUPPERRR curious.