#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick
Insert super serious looking photo booth
Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.
#nowplaying: Hands Held High - Linkin Park
AHHHH what a week. So much excitement. Don't know if you all read the announcement that I could officially announce in an unofficial manner to the rest of the world, but an official manner to you all ... the suits that are behind the pilot. Pretty rad, just very genuinely good people too. It was palpable - you just knew they knew their shit, you knew your shit and together good shit was gonna come out. good lord that came out wrong - but I went there, im owning it. HAHAHA EWEE worst mental picture ever. hahahahaa MOOOVIIINNNGGGGGG onnnnnnnn ...
Had a great day volunteering this morning. Felt AH-MAZING to be of service. I'm gonna post on the experience later, needing to get some more info on the organization from the chickee so I can explain to you all exactly what they do. So fucking rad! Felt great to sweep the floor, and serve. Was so hard looking at those faces, and just watching them eat - it was very humbling. Very very humbling. But yah! More on my volunteering later.
I keep saying how overwhelmed I feel, and how grateful I am - but I feel like those words don't even come close enough to what I'm actually experiencing. It's not like the overwhelmed you might have felt as a kid when you just ran under the covers - it's this mind body soul feeling of letting go. It's just this constant state of being at the mercy of the universe, and feeling so grateful. I don't know how to articulate what I am experiencing, except that I have never felt this way before. ever. I've been just a step back from people all this week, just kinda processing - and its still not enough. It's crazy. I am just feeling so many things ... bat shit, man. totally fucking bat shit.
There's something really special that happens when you so genuinely love what you do, and in touching things that are only fueled by passion. Not only do things just magically fall into place, but there's this calm and peace associated with it as well. You don't have to think, you just are. Everything just IS! So weird to go from being so super A type all the time, to whatever this is ... and realizing how many more things I am actually getting done with half the effort. I don't have to try because I'm already doing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.