Countdown to @Comic_Con: 17 Weeks!
#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @AdamReisinger
Note: This is the second entry in an ongoing series looking ahead to San Diego Comic-Con 2011, as contributor Adam Reisinger prepares to attend the convention for the first time.
17 weeks.
Still seems like way too long to wait until Comic-Con, but if you're in California, you don't have to -- at least, sort of.
If you're in San Francisco this weekend, you can stop by WonderCon, which is the only other comic book convention put together by the organizers of San Diego Comic-Con -- as it has been since 2001 (prior to that, the show ran independently).
While there is definitely a fair amount of time and space devoted to non-comic media at WonderCon, the show still retains the majority of its comic book roots. If you're looking for the "Glee" cast or previews of "Breaking Dawn", this probably isn't the show for you.
I'm literally on the opposite coast from the show, so there's no chance of me getting out there (getting to San Diego is going to be enough of an ordeal), but if you're in the area, I highly recommend checking it out . It'll be like a taste of San Diego without quite the same level of insanity.
Check back next Thursday for the next installment of "Countdown to Comic-Con", and be sure to follow Adam on Twitter @AdamReisinger or visit his website,