Understanding How to Shift the #Power to Relational Equality
#TalkNerdyToMeLover's Jordan Harbinger
A man can be doing his own thing, comfortable in his own skin and then a relational element such as a Playboy model can walk in the room and his behavior changes; his energy and power shifts. This is because of his relationship to her SOCIAL POWER; the illusion, the mask. If he had a relationship with her suppressed alpha NATURE instead of social adaptation, then he would start getting places with women consistently. Sex is a byproduct of a pre-existing relationship, NOT right upfront with women.
The equation CAN be balanced without being her social equal (which isn’t even sexual).
The single most important thing for men who want to become bona fide ladies’ men is simply not to be thrown off in relation to this power. It’s to accept and represent that he really is her equal and to communicate it. He has to balance out his relationship to her power and represent it behaviorally. This is what women want and are desperately lacking in their options today; real men who can be themselves around them.
Yes, this ‘relational equality’ is by far the #1 thing; more important than his looks, social status, pick-up lines, scripts, personality or anything else. It’s the ability to maintain your behavior around other elements and people of power. It’s not about being nervous, shifting your agenda, and creepily acting nice or paying for her attention to ‘get somewhere’ with her. It’s to be yourself but in relation to the most powerful and beautiful people. This rare trait will get you more action than any seduction technique and it’s a RELIEF to women to trust you so THEY can open up. You have to have this power conditioned because it doesn’t start with your ‘acting’ around her; she already knows. It’s before, during, and after your communication with her. They’re judging you fast when you approach.
Once you achieve relational equality and your energy or physiology isn’t thrown off around the hottest woman in the world, it will open the doors to unlimited pussy, love, affection, joy, memories, and shared experiences with other people of power. Those men who possess this relational equality (ie. naturals and other people of behavioral power) never have to worry about their love life and have all kinds of women chasing after them with just a little bit of proactive effort. They don’t have fear of women or of other powerful people. They can approach, attract, meet and communicate instantly with women. Then, other levels of communication can flourish because the woman is receptive.
Relationships of mutual trust can actually start instead of being prevented. Women instantly trust my energy because it doesn’t waver in relation to them. It opens the doors. I am the rock and this one quality has yielded untold results with women in the last 3 years. Why? Because I have achieved the alpha male trait of relational equality.
How to do it? 2 words: relational mastery.
So, to have the results with women and in life that you dream of, this relational equality is the single most important ‘tool’ you can have; being the behavioral equal to other people or sources of power because THEN a win/win interdependent relationship can start.
Losers with women have disempowered relationships and beliefs. They are predictably the conditioned response to the stimulus of social alpha or inner alpha women instead of being independent and valuable as their equals. After all, everything is relational anyways and if we’re not ‘aware’, then we’re ‘ignorant’. It’s time to become aware of behavioral relational dynamics to accelerate your real game because otherwise you’d be going blind into the pits.
Women are just more powerful and looking for their equal in power with the men in their life. Isn’t it time to become powerful and be the man you were supposed to be? Countless women are waiting. But if you’re not dealing with energy and nature and instead focusing on what most of seduction does; social tactics and inner game..it’s going to take a long time to ever achieve the consistency someone like me does with women. That’s because women now have the social and inner power right upfront so you’re left to struggle balancing it out on the 6% of interpersonal and social dynamics.
So, unless the man can truly be centered in himself in relation to all of this social value which he believes is sexuality, there’s going to be a lot more angst, frustration and failure with women. And a LOT of focusing on the skillsets that seem to be where it’s at but actually matter the least. And, in the mind of man; until there is a balance in his relationship to all female power (before he approaches), the fear is going to be there in the approach because he is haphazardly out of control in relation to her social value and power.
She knows what he wants..it doesn’t matter how he calibrates because his is weak compared to her power and chasing the wrong thing but a woman will never tell a man this. Remember, HE’S SUPPOSED TO KNOW and he doesn’t, it’s not the man for her. He is not powerful, he is not her equal and thus no matter what pick-up lines, training or scripts he runs, it’s really child’s play. She’ll wait until that powerful man who truly respects her as an equal (in energy) comes along and she’ll be open to him even if he has many other lacking traits.
The fact that I have high value traits across the board on top of relational equality = very effective with attraction and ‘dating’. I’ve got countless stories and I don’t really go for average looking women. Women fall for bad boys because they have relational equality first and foremost. They also have high natural value which can bring out her own sexuality in relation to HIM. And they’ll do this in spite of his other traits. Fortunately, now there is great opportunity for real, balanced men that women are looking for…we just have to step up and accept our power to truly BE the equal of women (instead of ie. emulating brute jerk behavior).
This seems impossible when viewed socially because a million men would sleep with her over you. That’s why understanding relational dynamics (relational mastery) and harnessing your nature and energy as a man are more than enough to be the answer to what women go for and desire. Getting physical is the standard. The value of nature and energy is far greater than your inner game.
With enough physiological congruency (meaning BEHAVIOR, not acting), it doesn’t matter what you say. Yet if you’re lacking the behavioral power the women you approach have, you’re stuck to making up with weaker verbal and social communication where can easily reject you and aren’t attracted. That’s why there is so much focus on it in the seduction and dating community. And unfortunately, most men continue to logically look at what ’seems’ to be the thing to do and many dating experts will keep promoting the exact same tactics that will keep selling but don’t necessarily work; what to say, ‘how’ to approach, self-affirmations (that seem like a lie to his brain), ‘acting’ techniques, etc. You will have to change your beliefs and then condition yourself into a more natural reality and I show guys exactly how to do it.
This is how you become behaviorally powerful and comfortable in your own skin around the women you want and then the magic happens. It’s when you have a physiological relationship with the alpha nature of women that you too can have insane success with women. This will not happen by anything you do in First World life by default. Even the seduction community is so far off from this. I would daresay say that Zan is the only one that comes close to what I’m talking about. It’s a different direction (yet with masculine POWER) that yields the results men and women are looking for. I call it ‘Natural Game Dating’ and I teach ‘how’ to achieve this behavioral power.
You have to build and develop a relationship with nature and energy itself to become a true rockstar (ie. without the social status and despite your level of inner game). When you have that confident, stronger (natural) reality (as I do) around women, you become fearless, comfortable, powerful, respected, insatiable, admired, lusted after, loved and chased.The dream can become a reality and the faster you understand that the sexuality of women is nothing like you ever thought, the more results you will have with women and more power to bring out their repressed sexuality smoothly and naturally.
If you liked this post, check out this episode: Episode #103 Value Revisited Part 1