#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick
People think it is very weird to take pictures of yourself when you're just sitting in a coffee shop. It's cool - I'll own it.
Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.
#nowplaying: Runaway - Janet Jackson
Oh my oh my oh my. I am currently experiencing the worst mind fuck. Dude, trademarking something is like the most nauseating thing on the planet. I am not hardwired for filling out 16 pages of paperwork, my brain very literally cannot handle it. I'm so ADD its not even funny. What's that? Something shiny???
Dudes, I am so mother effin proud of the social media marketing bible for the pilot. I obviously can't share it with you all right now, but I have put my blood. sweat. and tears into the marketing for this show - like for reals, my last ounce of EVERYTHING has gone into this baby ... just a little bit longer! BAHHH!!! It's such an interesting time to be alive. You not only have to sit there and educate all of these suits on social media, but actually come up with creative forms of execution, and that just gets me off. Literally. (oh baby!) I'm learning so much right now, this space is so ALLIIIVVEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's incredible. Greatest time to be alive. HANDS DOWN!!! Anyone can do anything. Social media is a platform; go say something. As a caveat though, you have to be honest, transparent (the honesty helps that bit), and genuinely passionate. BAM! Fucking trips me out, man. We're entering in a great space of collective niche experiences. And dude, the boutique target marketing that we can do on Facebook. Who saw that one coming? It's not the dot com boom! We're ALREADY making money off of it by reaching these people in such a direct way. UGH! Amazing! Don't even get me started on Twitter by adding the in real time component. Fucking trip man. Social media is the greatest thing evvveerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
My brain hurts. Can you tell? I'm not really sure why I'm still talking, er typing. Epic people watching btw at the Starbucks Santa Monica and La Brea. These people are making my life, I've been so thoroughly amused all day - you have no idea.
In my next life I want to come back as a may fly. They live for 24 hours, which is pretty much the most epic thing on the planet. For reals, get in - take a look around - get on with it.
Big stuff this week. We sit down now with all the suits - kinda rad. Still hasn't clicked in at all that this is happening, for that I am thankful. Life with no expectations jiiiiigggaaaaaaaaa!!
Super grateful for you all btw. For reals, your emails make my life. You guys have no idea, I appreciate it.
Went to bed at 7am - slept for 4 hours. Four Loko man ... cheapest buzz and the energy ZOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! Okeyyyyy back I go. Fucking paperwork.