#WTF: About Friday night ... can I get a rundown?
I have a dream ... that one day, the nerds of the world will unite in peace, love, and lollipops!Oh. my. goodness. you guys - I just had a super super super gnarly night Friday night ... and I have some shiznat that I gotz to share.
No like for reals.
K ... so last week I was kicking it with one of my favorite people on the planet @catielaffoon and she suggested that I check out this place called Truck Stop (well technically it's not a place but a night rather at this popular bar in West Hollywood).
She goes, you'll definitely get a post out of a place like this. Now, you can threaten me with a good time til the cows come home - but you say I need to experience something to get a post, and I am THHHEERRRREEEEEEE!!! For reals. She said this place was unlike anything you get to experience in LA. It's one of, if not the only, super cute poshy lesbian clubs in LA. As I discovered from one of my 103 dates that was a female, I am not gay. Well, I actually knew that part already ... but I questioned if maybe I could be bi-sexual in some capacity since I just genuinely genuinely genuinely adore people and exploring them ... but alas, no. I am not. However click here to read the post and see some pretty gnarly pictures. mwahhahaahah! =)
So that was my constant - I am just an ABSURDLY curious person ... but only want to explore things first hand since that is where I can just analyze things and form my own conclusions.
Her and her friends pick me up around 1030 and awwayyyyy we go!
Cue 4sq checkin:
Catie's friends were super fucking rad! HAHAH!! One of the chicas and I could totally be womb mates after bonding over our severe ADD, and love for RHOC.
Is your ass jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?
Yep, QOTN (quote of the night) and I totes freaked out going OMG!! OMG!!! OMG!!! Real Housewives of Orange County!!! My guilty pleasure!!!
HAHAHA dudes, not 5 minutes into us being there, this chick comes up to one of my new friends and goes - excuse me, we're all ladies here, does anyone have a tampon?
Like seriously?? Seriously?!?!?
How fucking cliche is that!! HAHAHAHAHAA!!
And dudes, to top this off she had a taco for a purse, so she wasn't even just asking for a tampon, she was asking for one from her taco.
Totally not kidding ...
Then, someone came over some loudspeaker, and girls magically appeared on the bar ...
Yeah, that part was totally lame. There were all these creepy ass men that were CLEARLY not gay. Like seriously dude, its a LESBIIIANNNNN night!!! Chick on chick sans the dick.
And ewe, this one dude totally grabbed my ass like HARDCORE. I turned around whipped out my Droid Charge and snapped this pic ...
Didn't yo mama ever teach you to not fuck with a chick that has an 8MP camera on her phone and a blog? Like seriously duderino?!?!? Being a creepy mcgreepster is totes not cool, and you sir, have been called out.
Then, I stared at boobs and butt.
Then, we danced like no one was watching ... only there were people watching ... and we all felt a degree of shame ...
HHAHAHA shame?? Who the fuck are we kidding. We owned it.
Yep. That is happening.
Ah-mazing. Ah-mazing. Ah-mazing night.
Made 2 new friends and we're all totes besties now on Facebook and Twitter!
I'm sad I didn't get to make out, but there's always next time. Oh yes, there will be a next time ...
Thanks Catie! You da bomb diggity per-schnickerty!
Oh and PS. there was also the most EPIC overheard I have ever, uh, overheard ...