#Fact: It's a quarter after 1, I'm a little drunk, and I need you now
super duper sad photo filterOMMMMMGGGGG it's been a week since I saw my first love and I am still being a baby about it. Like SERIOUSLY a baby.
I view dudes like I view a sale ... feed the pipeline ... with x amount of emails you are likely to get y amount of dates which 1 out of every 10 you might close.
If you're not feeding the pipeline, and you aren't getting emails to respond to - then you sure as fuck aren't getting dates. I take that back, actually OKcupid makes it really easy - just be a chick on that site and you WILL get emails ... BUUUTTT it's all about quality not quantity. Some of the emails just scare the beejeepers outta me. BAHHH!! (click here to read some of 'em)
I know in my heart of hearts Romeo and I aren't meant to be together. As sad as that makes me think, this has been our story for SEVEN years!!! I love him, he doesn't love me. I fall out of love, he falls in love with me but lives in another city. He moves back to my city, I am in love with someone else, he proclaims his love for me - and we go 2 years without speaking. I mean there is nothing cool about this story. At all. And or whatsoever. He wasn't the one that got away, he was the one that never got the chance. Albeit, we were totes besties and talked all the time (love doesn't ever go away - it evolves), it's still weird.
He also used to make fun of me for being so in love with social media. He sent me a text once saying he had to unfriend me on Facebook because he couldn't handle all the posts, tags, and friend announcements. He said something along the lines of - I don't need to know everytime Jen Friel takes a shit. Classy, but it's true. He doesn't "get" social media ... at all. Even when he was explaining to people on set of the commercial, he kept calling me a blogger. I'm all - dude, I'm not a blogger! I'm a lifecaster! But I didn't say that because then I have to go into the whole story, and frankly, I even get sick of hearing myself speak. Fine, I'm a blogger. Sure thing! ::nods head up and down::
He hasn't called or texted me - which in the back of my head makes me wonder if he still has feelings for me in some capacity because I haven't texted or called him because I know I have feelings for him still. He's in a serious relationship - I have to just get over it and deal, but I'm not feeding my pipeline at the moment!!!!!!!!!! I haven't gone out on a single date this week after the whole Coldplay Cutie incident.
UUUGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I am so so so hopeful when it comes to dating, but when I face the reality of what is actually out there - it could not BE more depressing.
I guess I just hold on to the hope that like energy will always find each other, and if you just keep plugging away - it has to come back. Universal law!!!!
Fortunately, for the next month or so, I don't think I'll even be able to date really. I found out the second season of the TV show I'm filming back east is due the first week of September. Translation: I gotta haul ass back to start filming.
I'm producer as well, so I got the episode titles today, and am designing the episodes as we speak. It's gnarly too because we not only got picked up for season 2, but also season 3, so I have to film 24 episodes in just a couple of weeks ANNNDD edit season 2 while still filming season 3. Translation: I am going to be pulling my hair out.
It's all worth it though - this is what I want to do with my life ... produce. It's amazing because so much of the industry is merging with tech, and dude!! tech and entertainment!?!?! That's totes my THAANNNGGG!!! I'm stoked, and learning from as many people as I can about how all this shizzy shiznat works!
So, there ya go! I could barely write today because my heart still hurt. I however, did take some pics while I was putzin around Santa Monica. FTR, in my next life incarnation I want to explore photography. I've always been such a little shutterbug however now with an 8MP camera on my PPHHHHOONNEE (Thank you Samsung for the Droid Charge), I am always equipped!!
Back on the wagon Jen Friel. Must. Date. Must. Feed. Pipeline.
I'm in LA for another week before I have to leave for Chicago, and then have to leave for Boston - might as well get crackin.
OOOHHHH the single life, you do end one day, right?
Dear Romeo, if you read my site can you please call me? I don't want us to be weird, and I know you're in a relationship - and that's AH-MAZING since you've honestly never looked better ... but I totes miss my friend. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot. Or maybe you're right - maybe we shouldn't talk. UGH! Why did I have to see you last week?!?!? Why why why why why! Back on the wagon Jen Friel ... pick yourself right back up there, little lady. ::this too shall pass:: AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Stop. hurting. heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!