#NotANerd: Examines a life held together by dreams and duct tape
<editorsnote> Nerds, meet my buddy Lindsay. She's crazy ... and bat shit ... and I love her for it! For reals, she hitchhiked across various African countries!!! HARDCORE!!! The girl is a whackadoodle noodle, but not at all a nerd. That is where I come in handy- I'm Lindsay's navigator on adventures. See, I show her how we get places via google maps, and she reminds me to stop tweeting and look up every once in a while. It's a match made in nerdy/non-nerdy heaven. That being saiiiddddddd ... she lives her life on the road and wants to share some of her experiences to all the nerdy folk out there that may be looking to do the same. Hit it Lindsay!!! </editorsnote>
#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @LindsayMC
So up until now you know me as Jen's crazy friend who she goes on adventures with as well as a whiny little girl who had just had her heart broken but I'd like to take a moment to reintroduce myself to you if you don't mind. Hi, I'm Lindsay and I live a pretty interesting life. I somehow manage to talk my way into insanely epic situations and even though I am the first to admit that my life is "held together by dreams and duct tape" (a phase I made up and routinely over use) I am always always on an awesome adventure.
Part of always being on an adventure for me is never having a 9-5 job. This means two things, I never know where my next pay check is coming in from (or if it's coming in at all) and I get to pick up some pretty random and stellar ways to make money.
The job I'm on right now is no exception. I am working as a "talent assistant" on a hugely popular singing competition show... and it is a freaking blast. I get to work with four incredibly talented musicians, not to mention the other behind the scenes crew who are probably some of the raddest people I have ever met. Our show has one host and three judges, one of them being someone who I have listened to religiously since I was 14 and they also happen to be four of nicest and most interesting people I have ever had the pleasure to work with, famous or not. The other four members of our " talent team" and I basically work as the liaisons between the "talent" (the host and judges) and the various facets of production on set (hair and make up, script writers, producers, etc.)
If you haven't worked in television before, you're probably calling bullshit on the importance of our jobs - but we are actually totally necessary and here's why... On set at any given time there can be about 10 to 20 people representing various parts of production that need to interact with or relay messages to the on screen talent. Each persons need is absolutely important and most likely crucial to the flow of shooting and they all know it (IE wardrobe needs to fix a lapel, makeup needs to retouch, scripts needs to go over new lines, producers need them to walk in a new direction.)
On top of those differing needs, each person has their own personality and way of handling things and if we had all those people trying to communicate with the oh-so-very important on screen talent, they won't be able to focus on their sparking personalities shining on screen. See how that works? Plus, we are also totally there as barriers for when shit hits the fan (and believe me, shit always hits the fan.)
There is a lot of money invested into a super tight amount of time so when things get behind or are misunderstood it's like being inside a pressure cooker. People start yelling and freaking out and it's our job to be able to gather all the information, decide what most important at that exact second and calmly and happily relay that to talent. When shit isn't hitting the fan, we basically hang out, Facebook on our cellphones, eat amazing catered meals... and flirt.
Production is a male dominated industry (like every industry I seem to work in) and being in Hollywood, a lot of the guys on set live up to the stereotype of being fun, young and good looking. Let me reiterated the "production" part, as in the behind the scenes guys. This ain't my first rodeo on set (I've worked in production on a few shows on varying networks) and I know well enough not to mess with talent (on this show it is not even an issue because all three guys are happily married.) It's not because I have or because I've been told not to or anything but honestly, once I saw inside of that kind of lifestyle, it's just something I wouldn't be interested in being involved with in anyway (its absolutely not bad and really seems just as fun and as wonderful as the tabloids make it out to be but still, just not my thing)...
But the wise-cracking, Vans-wearing, kinda grungy production boys- now that's a different story.
There are two guys in particular on this set who have caught my eye. One guy, let's call him D who works in stage production and the other guy, hm, let's call him J (I am so creative, huh?) who works in scripts. D and J are super different from each other and I have managed to separately but equally flirt with both since our first day on set. D is the tall, goofy guy who everyone loves (and not just because he is in charge of fixing our walkie talkies and finding missing power cords) and J is the hot new guy all the girls are going for, who may or may not know it.
This is a good time to say that I'm not one of those girls who has shitty taste in guys. Honestly, I date really really great dudes (my most recent ex included even though I totally trashed him out of petty emotional devastation in my previous posts) and the "desirable" guy that every chick wants just doesn't do it for me unless he is actually genuinely really rad. So where you might expect a chick to bypass the "nice guy" and go for the hot, possibly more challenging one, that just simply isn't the case for me. I don't see love or even just hooking up as a game or way to validate my hotness or value, I just don't. Okay, so with that being said, D is not the easy choice either but for a different reason. Me and D were chatting earlier about how he bounces out of town every chance he gets and does all this fun stuff and he was totally making me laugh the whole time and he kinda seems like a dude I would have a really really good and easy time with... Which is really freakin' scary.I just had my heart ripped out by one of those "nice, fun guys" and it fucking sucked. I never thought I would have fallen for him but then I did and then when didn't work out, I went fucking crazy and I'm not down with being that kind of girl. I just put myself back together and there is no way I am subjecting myself to anything like that anytime soon.
Not that I think me and D will even get to that point, but I am not allowing it and putting myself into the position of being completely and fiercely protective of my heart and I don't want to be even impacted emotionally in the least by any dude... So D might be a dangerous choice for me right now.
Regardless, this is how today went with D and J. D and I chatted over breakfast in the morning and said Hi when we passed each other three times, maybe four times during the day. He was swamped all day and kind of stressed, things were super mellow in talent world so I had a lot of time on my hands to play around (and write this, on my iPhone, seriously on that small ass screen) so we didn't get to hang out as much as we usually do- lame but whatevs. With J-boy however, today we made some strides. He completely fabricated three different reasons to come visit me by the talent trailers. Really. There was no reason he needed to be anywhere near the trailers but he happened to walk by, "run" into me (he knew I was there) and stopped to chat. He's a cool dude. He seems really nice and is not nearly as scary to me as D. We also have the same taste in music, well at least I know he likes Phish so that's rad too.
So hm, I donno. They are both fun... and flirting with new boys is always fun too. It's tough when you only see someone once or twice a week on a pretty demanding show, even if it is for 12 to 16 hours. By the time we wrap for the night, everyone just wants to get the hell out and during the day its not completely appropriate to get digits yet (they would have to ask me, I don't ask for boys numbers.) but as the weeks go on, things seem to be getting more interesting so I wonder if anything is going to happen... I guess we will have to wait until the next episode to find out... Not literally, I won't see either of them until we shoot episode number 306 next week ;)
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