#WTF: A dude I met on the streets of Los Angeles is taking me out on a date in Boston?
Dudes I have SOOO MUUCCHHHH HAAIIIRRRR that I could never commit a crime. Like ever. ever. They'd get all CSI up on it and I'd be had. Had I tell you!!!! ::smf:: So, yesterday after stopping off at the French Market Place on Santa Monica (THEIR CHOP SALAD MAKES MY LIFE!!!!!! Like seriously, I want it to have all my babies and like, hold my hand as we walk down the beach ... and ... and ... and ... shut up Jen), and as I was headed back to the bus, this duderino stopped me on the street and said, wow! you have such beautiful hair (said with a deliciously sexy English accent). I then proceeded to look up and he goes - wow, and those eyes!
It was incredibly sweet, and he totally caught me off guard. It wasn't one of those creepy, yo! Now give me your number type moments - he very literally just stopped me on the street to say that, and then said have a lovely day.
My immediate impulse from learning about the PUA (pick up artist) community (read more here) was that he was prolly one of Neil's students and was exploring social dynamics.
RAAAADD!! I thought!!!! I get superly duperly excited when dudes try to pull things from the PUA community on me so I can learn what works and what doesn't.
Either way, I smiled all the way back to my stop - and when I got home even told my roommate about it. She laughed and thought how sweet it was yada yada yada.
We then headed over to Barneys for roomie bonding, and frankly because I needed to shut my brain off with some brew. We're not there for 5 minutes and I feel a tap on my shoulder ...
Excuse me, aren't you the girl with the beautiful hair that I just met on the street?
WHHAAAATTTTT the fuck, I thought. You have GOT to be kidding!!
Mind you too, it's not like the two are that close - we're talking a solid .6 miles walking (which this guy was doing).
He then starts complimenting me (which again was super sweet and not creepy because you can just tell how unbelievably genuine this guy was). I ask him where he is from, England he says (hence the accent).
Wow, that's great!
Yeah, I'm in LA until Monday and then I head to Boston.
Wait, I say, you're going to be in Boston on Monday?
Yeah - flying out to see some family for a few weeks.
I'M going to be in Boston starting Monday for a few weeks.
FTR, going from LA to Boston isn't a common, every day thing. For reals, NY maayyybbeeee - but I never EVER go to Boston. Like never ever ever - haven't been in 10 years ... WWHHHAATTT was coming out of this dude's mouth?!?!
I'd like to take you out to dinner while I'm there. Can I have your number?
I take out my Droid Charge, ask for his number - and I proceed to call him.
::his phone lights up:: That's me!
Brilliant ... I'm really looking forward to this. Have a wonderful rest of the evening.
Thanks! You too.
I wasn't THAT attracted to him, but I wasn't not either. He has a shaved head (winner), piercing eyes (winner winner chicken dinner) ... he reminded me of that comedian Paul Scheer ...
Except super tall, even a wee bit skinnier - and with BRIGHT blue eyes.
So yeah - now I'm having dinner in Boston with a super random dude that I met on the street, that I reconnected with at Barneys that ALSO happens to be in Boston during the same time as me.
Like seriously? Seriously?
What is going on with my life right now?!?!!?!