#NerdsUnite: Inside the marketing mind of @MyMelodie (Shit Social Media Experts Say)
<editorsnote> Nerds, meet my buddy Melodie. I met her when she invited me to come and crash on her couch for the night in the San Dizzle and she is for reals one of the nicest chicas ever. She's a fellow marketer and wanted to use this space to share her thoughts on life, love, and all things nerd. Hit it Melodie!</editorsnote>
#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @MyMelodie ![](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60ecc5a3e1c1d01c6850577f/t/60ecdf4996f25e7683046fff/1326495657079/melodie)
When I shared my List of 12s for 2012 for things I want to accomplish related to tech/web/social media, YouTube was on the list and I said “I’m not a regular YouTuber but I’m currently working on an awesome Social Media related video that will be published soon. My goal is to get at least 1 million views on this video. I know that sounds extreme especially since my current YouTube videos have views only in the hundreds. I’ve got a good feeling about this video and in 2012 I’m going to get 1 million views on my social media related YouTube video.”
Well I’m making progress! I finished the video and it’s now up for your viewing pleasure! I couldn't help myself with this video. While watching the popular video "Shit Girls Say" and all the spin offs (By the way my favorite spin off is "Shit Yogis Say" since yoga is my other passion), I got a great idea to create a video related to my love for marketing, tech and social media!
Please, please, pretty please share this if you find it funny, compelling or can relate to it in any way. Leave comments and spread the word! I'm aiming for at least 1 million views and since most people reading this are extremely tech savvy and influential in the space, we should have no problem achieving this goal!
And now for the feature presentation: "SHIT SOCIAL MEDIA EXPERTS SAY" (You know, the people who can run your Facebook and Twitter account)
Big thank you to @jennyjenjen for producing and editing the video, @iPodschun , @ChrisKirkman for being a part of creating the video and @LoMagna for her ideas on writing the script.
Click here to follow Melodie on twitter and check out her blog over yonder!