#Status: Single. A 6 Month No Man Mission
<editorsnote> Nerds, meet my buddy Tiffany. She's a love addict who is now purging herself of men in the hopes of finding a cure. Think she can do it?? She has given herself six months, and I only have one more thing left to say ... HIT IT TIFFANY!!</editorsnote>
#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @nomanmission
Because I am such a hopeless romantic I jump in head first when I get those feelings and think that they will last forever. They never do from my past experiences and scientifically it has been proven that after a couple years those feelings fade. All sparks fade out. When those initial feelings go away I am left bored, lonely, unfulfilled and looking for that next euphoric feeling. It's like a drug for me, it is my addiction. Yep, I am like the song Addicted to Love. My name is Tiffany and I am addicted to love.
So, this is my outlet to chronicle my "6 month NO MAN mission". What is this mission exactly? Well as much as I would like to have a gray area, there isn't one. It means for 6 months starting on December 15, 2011 I will not date. Does it mean no making out, no sex, nothing, I lament? The answer is yes, much to my dismay because I can't imagine no intimate contact with another human for 6 months, but this is my mission, my growing time. Even as I type this I get a tightness in my chest because to be quite honest, I don't know how I will do it for 6 long months. No dating, no making out, no sex...only friends..EEEEEK..
I realize that in order to be good for a relationship one must be content with being alone. One must know what it is like to endure long lonely nights, to be okay with ALONE. So far I have not had any experience in that department. Even if I wasn't in a long term relationship and "single" I had a guy in tow. 2011 was an incredibly transforming year for me so why not take that transformation a step further and overcome my addiction to being in love? Shit this sucks. There should be a support group like AA for this sort of disease!
In this blog I intend to share my experiences, the good bad and the ugly moments. Will I be honest if I fall off the wagon? Yes, as much as it will suck to admit my defeats, I will. I have several people holding me accountable to this "6 month NO MAN mission" because just like any other addict, I am weak when it comes to my addiction. I am not completely closing myself off to possibilities because if Mr. Right comes along I won't shun him, but he will have to hang around and be my friend for the next 6 months. The bigger challenge will be for me to resist if Mr. Right comes along. 6 months Tiff, be strong!
Men, I will be available to date on June 15, 2012. Too bad Mars will be leaving my sign a few weeks later. Of course I would choose the one time that Mars stays in my sign for 8 months rather than the usual 7 weeks making me irresistible to do a "6 month no man mission". Why can't I ever just take the easy road in life? Not my style, never has been.
I special thanks to JK for giving me the idea to do this. Right now I curse you for it, but I'm sure someday I will thank you!