#YayLife: I never went to college, but tomorrow I'm Professor For A Day ... again!
i can haz high fiveSo. Freaking. Humbled. And. Honored. to annnoooouunnncceeeee that manana, I will be teaching again at Cal State Fullerton!! I can't believe I got asked back!!!!
I literally had the time of my life last go round. Dudes, your questions alone made my life. You all were SO UNBELIEVABLY sweet and great; teaching last year was definitely a life highlight.
And now I get to do it all over again??? Wha? Wha? WHAA???!!
Seriously how do you circumvent the entire college experience and go directly to teaching? Ah-mazing! What an honor.
The schedule is as follows:
First class: 8:30 am
Second class: 10 am
Lunch break Cantina Lounge: 12-2
Third class (honors): 2:30pm
Fan.freaking.tastic. But for reals, I'll be taking questions at lunch again and if you guys want to know annytthiinnngggg about annytthhiiinnngggg in this space, or in life in general I'll def be honest and give you guys some real feedback. Even if you're not a Cal State Fullerton student you are MORE than welcome to join us for lunch at the Cantina Lounge.
Top life moment ... yet again ... now, what to wear to impress those college boys ...
click here to read my facebook replies