#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick
Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.
#nowplaying: Madonna - Gang Bang
What's kicking loverbugs?
Long time no private chat.
Here ... grab a cup o'joe and stay a while.
Anywho, as usual, we've got loads going on. I just got back from a bartered adventure where I spent the weekend on this private winery owned by this big celebrity photographer. He is literally one of the nicest people ever, but also figured out a way to rent out his house to all of the shoots that he does, and that in turn pays his mortage. It's insane ... he's a very very very smart guy and it was incredibly inspiring since I'd like to have something like that when I raise a family. Look at this property!!!
This is the house from one of the Bachelors, and a Chris Brown video was shot there last weekend. The house is pretty much used 24/7. Very very very smart duderino.
Here I am drinking wine on said property ...
I had initially wanted to have a White Trash weekend at the winery, but because it was so friggen cold - I just settled for some hoodie rocking, converse wearing good times.
AHHHHHHHHH My anxiety right now is through the roof. I needed this getaway so friggen bad.
So, there's been a lot going on right now behind the scenes that I haven't been able to talk about. Not out of wanting to keep anything from you guys, but just with this level of uncertainty on what makes sense and what my next actions should be. I've been meeting with a bunch of TV peeps on projects, ANNND even today will be auditioning to be a panelist on this pretty popular show. It's all so fantastic, and all so wonderful - but this is LaLaLand. Peeps here dig kissing your ass, and I want to make sure that no matter what all of this is something I GENUINELY want to do, and it is something that will GENUINELY help this brand grow onto bigger and better things. I'm happier than a pig and shit right now with this site as is. We're still working on the redesign, but pretty much once that gets up - I will have ZERO complaints about this entire site. I have spent over 15,000 hours in the last 2.5 years working on it - and it's my baby.
It's hard though having all of these opportunities come to you, and you having to sit there and decide what makes sense and what doesn't. I turn back though to working with the Modern Day Shaman, and my own studying of Zen Buddhism, and I am reminded that the answers to every question we ever have in life are already inside of us. I already know all the answers to anything I could ever be asked in life; I'm already living my dream, I'm already living my bliss. Now is just the fun part of structuring a company, hiring a team, and going off into who knows what. My focus, however, needs to continue to stay in the now. My journey is the one that I will experience today in the next 86,400 seconds.
Dudes, I friggen lost my MACBOOK PRO this past weekend, and GENUINELY didn't even bat an eye. If this isn't some next level nirvana shit I don't know what is!!
<tangent> I had all of my gear on my back since I was getting picked up to go to the winery from my last meeting on Friday, and I got caught in this SUPPPEERRR gnarly downpour. I've been in LA for 8 years, and this was just ... horrific. My macbook pro was 3 compartments deep, and the ONLY tech toy to actually get water damage. My ipad was fine, all my cameras, even my electric blanket snuggie - all good. Macbook pro? No bueno. I fortunately always always always have at least one back up mac, so I'm fine for now - but will DEF be looking to upgrade to a new Macbook Pro and Macbook air in the next few months. </tangent>
It's just all so exciting. Everything is here, everything is happening now. I just have to stay present and listen. Fortunately, I got SO MUCH FREAKING SLEEP at the winery that I am that much more prepared for whatever life has for me this week.
Actual couch I slept on bartering location based social media advice.