Fun with #OkCupid: annnddd you just got blocked
Oh goodness gracious, see what happens when I spend an afternoon on OKC?!! I screenshot and posted on this dude in my last post - he was number 3 aka the dude that over thought everything. Here was his response back to my email:
Projection much? But for reals, I'm not nice - I'm just honest.
I've been reading the Four Agreements for the last week, and in it speaks on the fact that when people say things like this duderino just said to me, they are merely projecting their own fears and insecurities onto you. This guy OBVIOUSLY is petrified by even the notion of online dating and hasn't gone out on a single date yet because of his lack of social etiquette within the medium. I actually give him props for emailing me twice - but now if he does it again he gets blocked. Time for the big boy pants, dude. They're in aisle two, next to your mom.
click the picture to read the Facebook replies