#WTF: About Friday night ... can I get a rundown? (one night scandal #SBfest)
So, on Friday morning, while jogging, I bumped into my buddy @acoolong. I asked her what she was up to (usual small talk) and she said she was headed to the Silicon Beach Fest. (LA's booming tech scene is called "silicon beach")
Great! I said, are there any events or after parties I should check out?
Yeah! she replied, come to the Hotel Erwin at 6.
Bea.utiful - see ya there.
I then went about my business which included going to this fancy pants Nike event where I got to check out their new Nike+ kicks. They're pretty cool, it's got a chip or something in the shoe that then tracks your movements and records it on an app. You can test things like how fast you're running, or how high your vertical is on your dunk ... pretty gnarly shit man.
I didn't get to try them on first hand - but being a jogger, it's something that interests me.
THENNNNNNN, I got on the bus and headed from downtown to Venice to head over to the Hotel Erwin.
Dudes, look at how freaking BEAUTIFUL this place is ...
The rooftop bar has HANDS DOWN one of the best views I have ever seen. WOW WOW WOW - so pretty.
We kicked it there for a bit, but because the space was getting cluttered we then decided to scope out the Giant Media party on Abbot Kinney.
As I was getting out of the cab there was a group of people also waiting to go in - I walked over to introduce myself.
Hi, I say as I approach the group ...
One woman steps out towards me and SCREAMS ...
OMG OMG OMG Jen! Nerd girl! Dominatrix!!!
I start laughing saying yes, and thank you for reading (and also w2g on branding!! This woman not only knew who I was, but the brand as a whole, and my latest social experiment. YAY LIFE!).
I'm into s&m too!! I want to talk to you about it!!!
Mind you, I'm literally not even inside the building at this point - this conversation is happening on the stairway up ... she was so SWEET and so freaking EXCITED!!
I then grab a drink (yay for open bars) and sit down upstairs with my new friend.
I dated this guy, she said, he was a school teacher - and he was REALLY into it.
How did that make you feel? I ask
I LOVED it, she replied. I grew up with a strict background, but really enjoyed the time I spent with him.
Yeah, we're no longer together.
What do you think about everything so far, she asks?
Um ... I don't know. I've definitely ALWAYS been curious about exploring s&m but after not having a serious relationship in almost 6 years - it's made it hard to build that trust with someone. But yeah, this was always inside of me - I just finally decided to let my freak flag fly.
It's SO inspiring, she said!! I can't begin to tell you how much I love the site and how OUT THERE you really are. It's been really beneficial for me.
This is exactly why I do what I do though - this exact moment with you. Everywhere I go now in LA someone, somewhere, will say something and they will get all excited to tell me their deepest darkest secrets because they've been able to relate to mine.
It's so wonderful, she said.
I then looked at this woman and realized what an incredible life moment this was.
Here is this beautiful beautiful woman who looks like any other classy lady (rocking Marc Jacobs glasses and all), with her super fancy pants big job, and she's sitting here telling me all about her experience with s&m. HOW FREAKING AMAZING IS LIFE?!?!?!
I then bid good bye to my new friend, and out of the corner of my eye saw this guy I'm Facebook buddies with. See, he's roommates with one of the guys that I was trying to go out on a date with on OKC. I don't remember exactly why we never went out (we might not have been matched at 85%) but either way, I walked right up to him and said hello.
As he hugged me back he didn't ask how I was doing, instead went right in there and said, so have you dated half of this room right now?
Excuse me? I replied back.
He then smirked to his friend feeling rather pleased to diss me.
The only problem with said diss though was that it was the worst one ever - he wasn't even being funny. At least if you're going to diss someone to their face do it well. Yes, I date a lot ... so what?
Way to be the most MEDIOCRE douche on the planet. Go big or go home baby ... and you sir are not only an asshole, but you're vanilla.
I immediately decided to remove myself from the conversation by saying it was truly lovely to bump into him and I will talk to him soon.
It was incredibly abrupt - it was awesome. That guy is SUCH a dick and clearly just needs to get laid more to calm the fuck down.
I then met up with some friends of a friend and grabbed some drinks over at this sushi restaurant on Abbot Kinney. I was neither here nor there on eating, but I was SUPER stoked to get an outlet to charge my then dead iphone.
There were 4 people total (3 guys 1 girl) - everyone had a fairly large and impressive tech background.
We started talking about what I do, and one of the guys said well if you're in the "nerd business" you must know the Attack of the Show dudes.
Yeah, actually, I do. One of my very dear friends is the producer and he hooked me up with a visit last year.
He then grabs his phone and DMs Kevin Pereira.
Hey, the DM read, do you know Jen Friel with Talk Nerdy To Me, Lover.
I quickly realized this was turning into one big pissing contest - and I said to him that I ABSOLUTELY want nothing to do with this.
It's not my scene, dude, I said. I don't brag about who I know, I'm a bit more on the DL.
He then gets a DM back from Kevin saying "yeah, sounds familiar."
Anyone could just photoshop a photo of them on set, pipes up another guy.
I then realized that this was probably a term of endearment the teasing they were doing on "me and my little brand" - but having just dealt with the other douche at Giant Media, I was less inclined to want to stand for it.
The bill then arrived, and I peaced out.
I was pissed. This is EXACTLY why I don't do the tech scene. So. Many. Fucking. Egotistical. Maniacs!!!!
They're all so proud of what they've done, and have NOOOOO problem telling you. I think it's great when people are successful, don't get me wrong - but these were the nerds that got picked on so much in high school they're now taking it out on everyone else in the real world now that they're "baller status."
I'm not mad at it ... go do your thing ... but this is why I have literally no desire to be around you.
I BOLLLLTTTTEEEEEEDDDD to the next destination. I wasn't going to let the dinner ruin my evening, but those guys were horrible, horrible people, and I'm sure punch baby seals in their spare time.
I then headed over to the Brigg to meet up with Amanda (who was going to give me a ride back). I walk in and immediately see her.
I JUST HAD THE WORST HOUR EVER, I said. Those people I went to the restaurant to were total douches. (It was really only the two guys I was sitting next to. The other guy and girl I genuinely didn't get to talk to.)
I'm sorry, she said.
It's fine - I just need a drink.
I slightly stormed off over to the bar wanting to kill all of my brain cells from the last hour.
As I was standing at the bar, I realized getting a drink was going to be more difficult than anticipated. For the LIFE of me, I couldn't get the eye of the bartender.
The girl then next to me hits my back by accident.
Whoops! I'm sorry, she said.
Oh no worries, I say back.
I then stare at her for a second ...
I just want to say, you're really beautiful. Chicks don't compliment other chicks, but well done! You look great tonight!
Thanks! She said with a smile.
Come meet my friends!
I then turn around and see a group of 5 guys - each one cuter than the next.
I laugh to myself thinking, oohhhhh this is going to be trouble.
I then strike up a conversation with one of the guys who works in advertising. He was super cute and had something so genuine and sweet in his eyes.
Let me get you a drink, he said.
He then orders me a corona (no lime) and we get to chatting.
He was super easy to talk to ... I can't describe it but IMMEDIATELY I felt comfortable with not only him but the entire group.
Amanda then approached me .... sweetie, I'm gonna go. Are you ready?
I then looked back at my new friends not wanting to leave.
UMM, no ...
She can sleep in my hotel room if she wants to, replies the girl.
Done! I said not sure if I wanted to "go home with the boy."
In 27 years, btw, I have never ever ever gone home with a boy straight from the bar. If I meet someone that I'm into I'll only get their number that first meeting and then will call a few days later or whatever ... but never ... ever ... met someone and said BOOM back I go!! I'm EXTREMELY particular about going home with people since you never know.
Everything in my body with this group though just kept screaming, yes yes yes and yes. I want more.
We then all did a round of shots and cabbed it back to their apartment in Marina Del Rey.
Everyone at this point was pretty schloshed, but remarkably awesome.
We then get inside, and me and the advertising boy start making out like it's the end of the world.
We then go back into his room, and I wake up in his bed.
At 9 am I look over and see him staring at me.
Hi, I say with a kiss. (screw drunken morning breath)
Wait, what time is it?
It's 9, he said.
Okay great, I replied, I have a condom sponsorship call at 11 am. I need to access skype.
You can use my computer he said.
Thank you, but I can download the app on my phone.
I then realized the first sentence out of my mouth after waking up in a bed with a guy that I met at a bar the night before was, "I have a condom sponsorship call at 11 am."
Way to be the classiest broad on the planet, Friel. Well done!
We laid in bed for about a half hour before he asked me if I wanted to join in for volleyball today.
I wasn't sure if he was just being nice or if he legit wanted to kick it - but instead of slut shaming myself, I realized how much FUN I had with these guys last night, and before I realized it I was saying yes.
He then offered to drive me back to West Hollywood so I could freshen up, and I don't know ... everything about this guy was so effortless. Sure at that point we had only known each other for 12 hours, but he's a GREAT conversationalist, and with us both working in advertising it was pretty cool talking about the future of media.
En route back we decided to stop off at Toast to get some breakfast.
We both wound up ordering the same thing (eggs, bacon, toast) and right around the time I was half way through I realized it was 11 and time for my call.
I'm really sorry, I said, but I genuinely have to take this.
(I had messaged the condom chickadee on Facebook earlier explaining that I was at a place other than my apartment and I was wondering if we could turn it into a phone call instead of a skype. She was TOTALLY game!)
We then talked about her condom company, and she informed me on the importance of education within condoms.
Did you know, she said, there is an entire line of "slim fit" condoms? They're more popular in Asia and Europe, but this is why most condoms fall off during sex.
Having had that happen multiple times, I said, wow! I never realized!
Can you imagine going into a shoe store being a size 7 and just taking a pair of 12s? It doesn't make sense! So why do we do it with condoms? And ESPECIALLY with so much at risk!!
She then started telling me about super strands of gonorrhea and chlamydia that do not have a cure.
I then laughed realizing I was sitting across the table from a guy that I had sex with after meeting him at a bar discussing sexually transmitted diseases over breakfast.
Life ... I love you!!!
As I was hanging up the call, I then looked over to my right and said - HOLY SHIT! I know her!!
It was my buddy, Kristen Wagner, from the awesome LA based band Bullet & Snowfox.
Uber uber talented chica, and SO FREAKING TINY YOU CAN PUT HER IN YOUR POCKET!!
I ran up and gave her a big hug introducing her to the boy and she introducing me to her guy.
We talked for a minute but then my guy took me back to Marina Del Rey for a day of fun.
I'm not very good at volleyball, I admitted.
In fact I actually haven't played since 3rd grade.
You'll be fine, he said.
We then drove all the way back to the beach dropping our stuff off at his place and walking over.
Actual view from my towelIf I lived here, I'd never leave, I confessed. It would be an occupational hazard.
He laughed saying, yeah, we get that a lot.
The others joined us shortly after and then for literally the entire afternoon I got to stare at gorgeous, topless guys playing beach volleyball.
::well played life!::
It was great, and exactly what I needed .... a full and complete disconnect.
Later in the afternoon the guy and I walked back to his place to pick up some more beers and use the restroom.
As we got inside one thing quickly lead to another and what do you know ... there I am back in the bedroom.
Smoking hot. What a great guy. So easy to talk to, the entire day was foreplay - and I was readyyyyy to go!
By the time that we were done and had showered, everyone was already back at the place.
I literally cannot stress this enough - these guys are HANDS DOWN one of the coolest groups of people I have ever met in LA. They're all so rad, and EXTREMELY hospitable. It's my same mentality of "the more the merrier" and let's drink, eat, and just be merry.
It legit made me question if I could move to the beach - there must be more people out here like this versus Hollywood, I thought.
The day then turned into night ... and sometime after consuming a cheeseburger and a few pieces of sausage my phone was beeping that it was time for me to go.
My foot slave is picking me up, I say to my guy.
He starts laughing, as we had been talking about what I did for most of the day. (I'm ALWAYS nervous about meeting people organically, because being a lifecaster means that I post on things that happen in my life, and I want people to be okay with that. Click here to read my dating disclaimer)
I'm not sure if this guy was better at hiding it than most, but he genuinely seemed pretty okay with everything. If nothing else, he seemed genuinely intrigued by all of it.
Please just read the site, I said. If it's too weird, I get it - but its my jam and what I do, so I just want you to know.
He then walked me outside to where my foot slave was parked.
He kissed me, and asked if we could go out this week.
Absolutely! I said excited. I'm going out of town Tuesday - Thursday, but when I get back ... ohhhh it's on!!
He laughed as I got into the car.
And the story for what happened last night taking my foot slave to an s&m club?? Well that's another post. Check back manana!!
Peace love and lollipops all! Thanks for reading!! xoxo
Editors note: thanks again to all my new friends for your AMAZING hospitality!! Here's my twitter, and Facebook. Rock on!!