#RealDeal: Single? Taken? Confused? Who cares! Here's a different approach to Valentines day
All week, I have heard complaint after complaint from my friends regarding Valentines Day. Some are happy with their relationship but are angry that their spouse/ sig-o doesn't do anything (or very little) for Vday. Others, are single and view this day as an annual reminder of their inadequacies. I won't say where I am on the spectrum, but this year I do have a different appreciation for love and for this holiday. Here are my thoughts ...
You can't explain or quantify love.
It doesn't happen when you are, or are not looking for it- you're just knocked on your ass, and it's humbling.
To sit and hold anger for a quote unquote commercial holiday only speaks to your own insecurity.
Friday is a day of love. Everyday should be that way IMHO - but that's not the reality of our calendar reminders or the reality of the reminders we place upon ourselves and the places we think we "should" be.
I've ranted about not having a valentine for my entire life, but this year I proudly say I actually love myself and that's all that matters.
I respect my environment - I keep it clean.
I respect my body and work out almost every day.
I respect my heart because I know it's in a loving place, and finally I respect my mind because I know it doesn't need to keep racing.
Love is in the air.
Please don't miss out on it.