#FileUnder: Things that keep me up at night ...
Tonight, I've been having a Netflix night. For reals, I've actually been in bed since 9 catching up on my Netflix que. I'd like to say that I spent the evening watching psychological thrillers, and eye opening docs - but no ... I've watched chick flicks!
It's gnarly, man - I can pinpoint my exact mood and find a direct correlation with said mood to what I watch on Netflix. Made me think that Netflix should totes have that option. Like in the tweet ... break up with a dude? here are strong female lead movies. Feeling frisky? Have you seen 9 1/2 weeks? Whew! Want to go after that dream of yours? 8 mile. For izzles.
I want to tune out when I turn on Netflix. I might not be able to process fully "what I want" - but I can at least tell the site my mood.
Think about it Netflix ... THINK. ABOUT. IT.
Oh, and while you're at it, please add an option for trailers. I can't tell you how many times I youtube a trailer before watching the flick on Netflix. Make it a one pop shop por favor.