#Adventures in Adventuring: Normally going to a bar at 11 am would be the sign of a problem ...
A hoi hoi nerderinos!!!
Soy a qui en downtown Boston on one of those cooky lil' trolley tours!!
Yep, I'm filming the first episode of season 2 on that TV show that I STILL cannot talk about (this is going to be so fucking anti-climactic you have nooooo idea) - but yah! I've been touring around Boston all morning.
DUDES!!! Looky looky where I just got to film ...
If Cheers took place in 2011 it would be the bar where everyone knew your screen name! ::zing::
OMG I am out cheesing myself right now.
YAY LIFE! Going to get some writing did, and then hop back on the trolley. Filming is going pretty well, the gawkers get super annoying though. See this is my camera ... it's super fancy pants looking ...
Every 5 seconds I get asked if I am famous - which makes NO SENSE because if I was wouldn't you friggen know you whackadoodle noodles!!!
INCREDIBLY frustrating when you are shooting - people just don't care, man.
Annoying. Annoying. Annoying.
Oh wells, gotta deal. Oh!!! Lemme write about my night last night - THHHAAAATTTT was interesting.