#NerdsUnite: Imma bag me a Harvard boy! (Live tweet bar crawl)
Shot on: Droid Charge using FX Cam app! A hoi hoi from Boston nerderinos! That will eventually get old since I am here for three weeks - but for now I get SOOOOOOOO excited to say it!!! YAY BOSTON!!!
So, I hung out at the Harvard Library today scoping out the scene, and touring the campus. SOOO RAD!!!! I noticed one thing though, dudes, Harvard boys are HOT! Like wow! wow! wow!
I wanna hang out with a Harvard boy. Tonight I am going to do a mini bar crawl around Harvard campus and document my findings on Twitter. For reals - I'm curious if dudes out here have a different way to pick up - do they use more lines, are they more forward ... I have no idea, but I'm TOTALLY excited to find out.
<disclaimer> I won't say exactly where I am out of fear of tainting the experiment in case any of you nerderinos wanna show up, or send a friend who lives near by. I very genuinely want this to be organic, so please don't be a douche and spoil the fun. No one likes a douchey mcdouchester. </disclaimer>
You can follow the hashtag #nerdsunite on Twitter ... or just follow me directly to read the tweets: @JenFriel
I grew up, and left New England so early, I've never really partied here, or explored the dating scene. Super super super curious to how different it is from LA.
I'm also curious to see if I am more comfortable at bars in Boston, and if that has an effect on the findings. AHHH!! I love love love exploring social dynamics!! YAY!
Alrite, off like a prom dress. Just got out of the shower, so gimme until about 7pm EST. Let's get it on Harvard boys!! Can't WAIT to talk nerdy to you!!!!!